Monday, February 2, 2009

More than frustrated!

So much for my optimism with this new doctor!!! I called his office last Thursday before the office had opened and left a voicemail. I heard nothing all day. Friday morning. I called and talked to a nurse. I said I had some questions and that I had started spotting and I wanted to let the doctor know so I could get my prescription. She checked his office and said he has the message on his desk, he's just been in surgery all morning. I heard nothing back...

Today. Monday. Three business days after my first call and FIVE freaking cycle days after I called about spotting. Still no call back. It is 3 o'clock in the friggin afternoon!!! I just called and talked to the receptionist. I very politely but obviously annoyed told her I called three days ago when I started spotting and I have not heard back. She apologized and said he's been very busy. I wanted to laugh out loud!! Well no shit he's busy, but is he too busy for one of his own patients?????? Gawd!!! I told her I understand he is busy, but this is my first time at his office and we are doing a new protocol and I didn't want to miss anything. I said I "think" this is cycle day one, since I have been heavily spotting since last Thursday and this is the first day of red blood. I said I didn't know how heavy this one would be since I just had my last one three weeks ago. She asked if I had been put on any medications to induce my period. I said yes, provera. She said okay, well were you going to go on Clomid? I said no, Famera. She said oh, okay, Clomid. (dumb receptionist, they are two different drugs! uggg!!!) She asked if I can you come in on Feb. 6 for an ultrasound. I said Ultrasound? What for? And she said for a cyst check. I know I do not need an ultrasound for a cyst check. And I'm rather pissed that the damn receptionist is the one telling me what to do. I spoke with the doctor in person at my consultation and he said to call when I started and I would get my prescription. What the hell! Besides, the 6th would be the 6th day of my cycle and too late to start any drugs, that much I know.

I am so mad right now. I just got done sobbing (which is what I do when I am emotional at all) and then I decided. I'm going to wait until 5pm when their office closes, I'm going to call and page the doctor to call me.

When he calls me I'll be nice but let him know that he needs to tell me if he is too busy for me and if so I'll take my barren uterus elsewhere. I want to hear from him that I need this stupid ultrasound. I don't want to have the girl answering the phone to be the one making decisions for him.

AHHHH! I just want to scream!!!


I Believe in Miracles said...

i'm so sorry.

Jess said...

Hang in there. I'm sure most of us working with a clinic have had similar situations - I know I have. I'll write up a blog post about it so I'm not hogging your comment space. :)