Wednesday, April 8, 2009

9 DPO and Dr. Google

Well, I've been searching Dr. Google today. I know that there is every symptom under the sun recorded as a "early pregnancy symptom", but I had to search anyway.

I have been really really tired the last few days, I've also been gassy (sorry, TMI), urinating a lot and today I seem to have a head cold AGAIN (I had one a few weeks ago that turned into a sinus infection - not good timing for flying in two days). Anywho, I was whining to a coworker of mine and she said that she's heard that a low immune system could be a I hit up Dr. Google.

Sure enough, gas, fatigue, frequent urination and even stuffy sinuses can all be a sign even as early as 7 DPO...

Of course this brought me a little ray of sunshine and I figured what the heck, if I have to deal with a stuffy head, bring it on! if that means I'm pregnant!! Heck, give me the flu and a rash, whatever you gotta do! - lol It makes my plugged ears, stuffy sinuses and a rough throat a little more pleasant when I think of it that way.

I'm still on the fence about testing. At first I thought I'd test on the 13th - 14 DPO...then I thought well, I could do it early, like tomorrow - 10DPO...and now I'm thinking I should wait until the 15th which would be 16 DPO, and I would for sure have AF by then, if she was coming.

I don't know what I'll do. We'll see. I may or may not have internet access while I'm gone April 10-18, but if I do, you know I'll keep you posted!!


melissa said...

I didn't have pregnancy symptoms until 6 weeks with both pregnancies. How's that for being encouraging???!

Jess said...

This is probably the wrong advice to give, but here goes... A coworker of mine (who also - successfully - went through fertility treatment) recommended buying pregnancy tests from the dollar store (like Dollar General, etc.)...for those times that you really WANT to test but don't feel like forking over the big bucks for the fancy-shmancy tests. If it comes up negative, it could be too early. If it comes up positive, test again in a few days just to double check. Either way, you won't have that "to pee or not to pee" question.

Or you could use willpower, wait, and rant your frustrations to all of us biting our nails waiting for you. :)