Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Date night

Hubby and I were able to have a date night last Friday. It was fabulous! MIL had her sister in town for the weekend and they offered to take the girls for the day. I got off work early that day and used some of the free time to get some packing done around the house. My mom came over too and we organized some storage items and also garage sale items. We got a lot done.

Later that day Hubby and I went to see Inc.eption. It was actually a pretty good movie I thought. I had no idea what it was about when we went to see it, but I had heard from a lot of people that it was really good. It's definitely one of those movies you have to pay close attention to to keep up.

After dinner we went to Ou.tback, or as Hubby likes to call it Outhouse. It wasn't that great. I've only been there a few times and I'm so not impressed. Date night was a treat from MIL and her sister too. Plus we had a gift certificate from Dr. M's office for dinner, so it was a free date. Pretty awesome! We picked the girls up about 10pm that night.

It was such a nice day, and the girls slept so well that night. Grandma and her sister had taken the girls on a few walks. I think all the fresh air wore them out. We liked it.

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