Thursday, September 30, 2010

I need your help re: swaddling!

Dear Readers,

When do you stop swaddling? How do you stop?

Both my girls are being swaddled still. I believe it still helps them go to sleep...however...

Natalie continuously sneaks her right arm out, knocks out her pacifier wakes up gnawing on her hand a few times a night. This sometimes wakes up Kaitlyn.

Kaitlyn wiggles a lot. She comes unwrapped a lot. As soon and I re-wrap her and stick the pacifier back in her mouth she's usually out like a light...but she comes unwrapped literally about 5-8 times a night. She sometimes wakes Natalie up. Plus she is still only sleeping 3-4 hours at a time between feedings...

This week has been hell-week for sleep in our house. I think even the dogs are suffering. The girls have been especially bad with their swaddling escape tactics. Tonight Katie has been fighting me bad! She's come unwrapped already about 4 times in the last hour. Twice I've gone in to check on her (as she's screaming/crying) to find her up on her side still partially wrapped. This makes me nervous in case she rolls over on to her belly without the use of her arms. I obviously don't want her to suffocate.

I just don't know what to do. Do I bother getting bigger blankets or finding other ways to keep them wrapped up? Or is it time to wean them from this? If so, how?

I'd love to hear your stories/theories/experience with swaddling and how to get over it.

Please help.


One tired mommy


Kathleen said...

are you using regular blankets to swaddle or the special super secure swaddle blanksets like this:

Amanda said...

I'm probably no help. My 8 month old is still swaddled. We use kiddopotamus swaddles and leave his arms out (he was pulling them out anyhow) so it's more of a sleep sack. He sleeps through the night beautifully so I don't worry about ill affects of swaddling. If he wakes up early he'll roll around in his crib with the swaddle on no problem.

If we have to break him before he does it for himself, I think we'll just go cold turkey. Hopefully it will only be a couple days of hell and we'll all get on after that.