Thursday, June 16, 2011

Moving Saturday

With our one part-time income, a bankruptcy and foreclosure we actually found a decent 2 bedroom duplex that accepted us!! It's a cute place - though a little dated - right behind an elementary school in town. The garages divide the two units. The garage is actually really nice. It has a finished painted floor the walls are sheet rocked, textured and painted. We are planning to use that as a play room for the girls. The only other things in there will be the rental fridge and stove (since we are going to be using out own) and the washer and dryer. We have a large area rug that we are currently using in our living room, but we won't need it in the house when we move so we will put it out in the garage. We will be able to have a dining room table again too. But the best has walls and doors - can you imagine?!?!? :0) If you don't remember...or I didn't tell you...currently our living room, kitchen and laundry room is all one open space downstairs. Upstairs is completely open and we all share that space. I can't wait to be able to turn a lamp on and read in bed!

It's about 5 minutes from my work too which is a bonus! We signed a two year lease for a break in the rent for the first year, so I guess we will be staying put for a while (yay!!).

My dad hasn't said anything about us moving, which is fine. My mom is actually okay with it now. I think we all realized it is the best thing. It's just too bad it happened under such unfortunate circumstances.

1 comment:

Life Happens said...

I just read your last post! Oh my! I am so glad you guys are able to move out on your own! It is the best thing for your family. I hope and pray that things will continue to work out for you guys.