Wednesday, December 16, 2009


I just wanted to let ya'll know that things seem to be completely back to normal since the scare on Monday. I haven't spotted again since that morning (thank God!). Although, I practically check the toilet paper with a microscope every time.

I never did go in to see the doctor about it. I figured it's pretty "normal" and it wasn't red and there was no cramping. Poor Hubby has been pretty freaked about the whole thing. It made it worse that the poor guy had a dream shortly before I came home that morning that I miscarried both of them at 20 weeks. It's put him in a funk the last couple of days. I'm trying to stay positive for him and convince him that all's good in the hood...I know we'll both feel better after my next appointment. It seems like forever until then (the 28th). Darn holidays got in the way! :0)

Well, I gotsta get back to work. Just wanted to give you quick update.

1 comment:

Jess said...

Hugs to you both then! Glad everything's returning to as normal as they can get this time of year. :)