I wish I could say we have a schedule down, but we don't. I don't think we'll have much of a schedule until they are sitting up on their own and eating some solids. Right now, for one person it is almost impossible to feed them at the same time. Besides, they aren't eating at the same intervals. We've upgraded to large bottles and they're getting filled up to 5oz.
Natalie 90% of the time polishes off the whole thing, which is funny because she's been the smaller one all along. I think she is catching up though. I'm really curious what her weight will be when they have their next doctor appointment.
Kaitlyn drinks all of it maybe 70% of the time. I like to keep giving her 5oz though because it's easier than pouring and heating up another ounce if she's still hungry. She is not a patient child, so making her wait is noisy!
They are both smiling at us. Natalie is the happiest baby ever. She wakes up with a huge open-mouthed grin everyday. It's a little tougher to get a smile out of Katie, but it sure is awfully cute when she does! They are also starting to "talk" at us. Natalie is the more vocal one too. K makes a lot of noise, but it's not the same "cooing" that N does. K is definitely the more observant of the two. She will watch every move you make and sit and look around the room for a long time. She is always moving. Even if her arms and legs are still her fingers are twitchy. I think she will be my little trouble maker. I bet she starts crawling early. She already manages to scoot around when she's on her belly. Of course she doesn't realize it, but since she moves so much it's inevitable.
I have two garbage bags full of clothes they can't wear already. Goodbye newborn and 0-3 month sizes! Natalie is wearing 3 month and K is in some 3 month, but should really be wearing 3-6. Her little toes are starting to get squished. I can hardly keep up with keeping their closet organized. It seems as soon as I finally get everything squared away someone changes sizes.
Speaking of organizing...I have quite the task ahead of me. We're moving. Our house is going bubye. We haven't gotten a final date yet, but I'm sure it will be soon. Packing and moving is a daunting task in and of itself, but with two little babies. Oh man. I'm starting to collect boxes. I've gotten a few now so I can finally start going through things. Me, my mom and my brother are going to have a garage sale. They want to do it soon, so I need to get going through stuff. We are moving out to my parent's house. Not in it, but on the property. They have a two-story garage that they are converting over to an apartment for us. It will be tight quarters, but I think we can manage. I think it's only about 600 sq ft. Yikes! That's less than half the space we are in now. Good news is my parents are right there so we can get out, plus they live on a couple of acres so there is room to run around when the girls get bigger. They have a river right there too, which will be fun when they are older.
I'm guessing by September we will be living there or at least moving stuff over. I'm actually kind of looking forward to it (I may think I'm crazy later). It will be nice having WAY cheaper rent vs. our mortgage and we won't have extra bills like power, water, garbage...it will be included in our monthly rent. Plus the girls will have a set of grandparents right next door. Right now they have a grandma just a mile away - which has been wonderful! She's been coming over everyday to watch them while Hubby recovers and she's also been taking one of the girls at night until Hubby can help. She's only been a phone call away if we need something. My parents are about 15-20 away, so she'll still be fairly close by.
I only have two weeks left of half-days at work. I'm hoping to get a lot of stuff done around the house in that time. Soon I'll be back to full-time, which means a lot less time at home. I'm also hoping with this move to be able to go back to half-time, and if Hubby can find a better job, maybe I can stay home completely. We'll see...
Stay tuned...many changes ahead!
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