Hubby went in yesterday to have a follow-up appointment with his surgeon to check on his incision. Well, the incision has healed fine, but he's developed a pretty substantial umbilical hernia. We knew it was there, but didn't know what to do about it. The answer? Surgery. That's right folks. Another stinkin' surgery. And when might this surgery happen? A couple weeks? Months? Nope. Monday.
I'm wondering when this nightmare will ever end. Three surgeries in less than 7 months. The surgeon said this will be a shorter stay than the other two, which where about 8 days each. He's thinking he'll be released in 24-48 hours. Until Monday, Hubby is on bed rest. He's not supposed to be getting up and down a lot or lifting, including the girls.
Like I said before, we have been each taking one kid at night. With him being on the DL, he wouldn't be able to get up with one of the girls at night. I thought I could tackle them both by myself last night and go to work today, but Hubby convinced me it would be pretty tough on me since they aren't on the same schedule. I would have been up all night. We decided to enlist Grandma C to babysit. So last night, Natalie got to spend the night at Grandma's house. It broke my heart to bring her over there, but I knew it'd be the best thing for the both of us. Tonight it's Kaitlyn's turn to spend the night with her. Tomorrow I'm going to stay at my parent's house. We'll have to figure out schedule for the rest of the week. I hate this so much. I KNOW there is a plan for everything, and things happen for a reason. But seriously. Enough is enough. And I KNOW God doesn't give us more than we can handle. But seriously. I'm on the ledge.
With Hubby being sick then recovering from the first and second surgeries, the stress was pretty high. Our financial situation is a nightmare. The girls are here now and I've had to go back to work so soon. It's just a mess. I lost it a little last night and cried and cried. Thankfully I was busy at work today because I was on the verge of tears all morning.
This has to be it, right? I mean what else can go wrong? Actually, don't answer that. I know this isn't the worst it could be, but it is bad enough for me. Hopefully this is the lowest part of this valley.
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