I'm not talking about myself...although I could.
My children do not like to go to sleep. Each night we try putting them to bed around 7-8, but they usually aren't really out for good until about 11:30. It's so frustrating. I don't get it. Natalie is a better sleeper than Katie, but she still fights it sometimes. Katie, just plain hates going to sleep.
Today for example, I don't think she's slept for more than a half hour chunk since 11am and it's almost 5pm. Natalie on the other hand has been asleep since about noon. Naps or nighttime it doesn't matter. I can't totally blame them since they've been nomads for the last 3 weeks or so. They've taken turns staying the night at a grandma's house. I've stayed with my parents on the weekends and some weekdays, and we've stayed home some nights too. So I'm sure they are confused on what their bed is. It's also tough because when they are at home during the day they have been napping on the couch. I'm trying to get Hubby to break this habit. I'd really like them to always sleep in their cradle or crib, not the couch or a swing or a bouncy seat...although they do sleep easier in one of those things. I just want to nip it now and not when they are older.
We've been rocking the girls to sleep and once they are good and out we'll place them in their crib. Within minutes they are awake and crying. I'm trying to break myself of the habit of going in a picking them up. I've gone in and put their pacifier back in and played some music if they are really screaming and it usually calms them down and may even close their eyes, but they don't stay asleep. And I know I give in eventually (after hours of trying) and I'll pick them back up and rock them. Usually by this time it is time to eat again.
With Kaitlyn we've tried letting her cry for a while. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I just don't get it, she is so tired, but won't give in. As I write this she is crying. It breaks my heart to let her cry, but I don't know what else to do. She's changed and fed. Ugh.
Any suggestions? They're only 9 weeks old :0(
I will write you back, I promise. :) I don't know that I have many suggestions, but you know, I've been there. I have the bags under my eyes to prove it.
just want to reassure you that this is very normal. i've given up trying to get my child to sleep in his bed through the night and he's 2 1/2. the only way he'll sleep uninterrupted is if he's in my bed. otherwise he's up 8 times a night.
Its very hard to get them on any sort of schedule at this point...BUT maybe when they're around 3 months you can try putting them to bed earlier? I know it sounds crazy...do some googling...but our babies routinely went down at 6:30 cuz really they were acting out cuz they were tired...they slept til 6:30 or so...of course i had to get up with them at least once a night once they hit that 3/4 month mark...but it was worth getting some ME time!
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