The last pill was swallowed last night. It was such a huge releif to take the last one. Three weeks is a long the IF world anyway.
I definitely think AF will be showing up soon. My ta-tas are sore, I am moohoohoody!, my hips sockets feel achy and I'm mega tired. Those are usually signs for me that "it" is coming.
My depression, in general, is way better the last few days. Other than having a meltdown last night, that had me leaving the house for a few hours, I've been doing pretty good. I really think last night was caused from PMS, the fact that my poor hubby has been VERY ill since Sunday, and my dogs are driving me bonkers.
Now, you wouldn't think that dogs would be that big of a deal, but mine are. They are clingy, whiney and - one of them in particular - is noisy! I have about an ounce of patience in general, but only about a quarter of that for the pooches. Ziggy, the basset, is the golden child. He (usually) can do no wrong. He's my buddy, and the baby of the group. The oldest, Wally, is the one I'd like to "rehome". I know I don't have the heart to ship him off to live with someone else, but man, oh man, how I would LOVE to sometimes.
So, I think last night with waiting on poor Hubby, bringing him juice, soup, meds, etc, and the barking, needy, whiny dogs (and my hormones), I had to get the heck out of the house before I exploded. I went to my parent's for a while...which distracted me, but (as it usually does) it brings up other issues.
By the time I got home I felt so much better. I was able to have a cry-fest and pity party in my car.
Today, I am way better. Thankfully! I really hate being Debby Downer, and ragging on myself about being so damn mad/sad all the time makes it worse.
Anywho, cross your fingers that AF shows up soon (and if you're the praying type, please send one up for Hubby. He's been really ill since Sunday, with not a whole lot of improvement).
i know how you feel, i actually had my self an ALL OUT cryfest last night...let me know when you wanna get together!
♥ ac
I hope af shows up for you quickly. Cryfests and pity partys are the best! Sometimes it is just what you need!
Good luck with AF showing up soon! Will be praying for you and hubby to get better. This is my last week on the pill too so I will be waiting for AF to show up soon too.
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