Friday, March 12, 2010

The plan is, not to plan

If my infertility taught me nothing else, it taught me that I have no control over my body. Why would pregnancy be any different?

I've been asked a lot lately what my "plan" is for the delivery. My answer? No plan.

I suppose if I were pregnant with a singleton. I could plan on going to 40 weeks. I could plan on going to my local hospital. I could plan on having a vaginal delivery. I could plan on not having an epidural. I could plan on being in the hospital for a couple of days then going home with my bundle of joy.

Twins make such a difference.

I feel like going to 36 weeks is just a goal. I don't feel like I can plan on going that far. A while ago the doctor told us our first goal was to get to 28 weeks; that most babies are viable after that time. Our next goal is to get to 32 weeks; babies delivered after then typically don't have any major issues. Our final goal of course is 36 weeks.

I have another set of goals too. I would really like to deliver at our local hospital. To be able to do that I have to deliver after 34 weeks. If I go before then, then we'll have to travel up north a little and deliver at a bigger hospital that is equipped to handle premature babies. Obviously the longer that babies can stay in my belly the better for them, but it would be better for me if they will stay in so I can stay local.

What is my "plan" for delivery? Well, before I knew I was having twins, my wish had always been to deliver vaginally with no epidural (other pain meds would be fine) - if you don't remember from all my posts last September, I dislike a lot! Anyway, now that that plan is out. I'm preparing myself for having a c-section. From what I read about 50% of twins are born vaginally the other 50% via cesarean. My doc told me a lot of times what can happen is the mom can push one out, but the other isn't in a good position, or is under stress, or whatever, then she'll have to have a cesarean for the other. He said most of the time mom's opt to just go for the cesarean. I think I'm going to board that bus. Why go through the "trauma" of pushing out one baby and all the loveliness that can happen to your body, just to go into the OR and have them cut you open and stitch you up too? No matter what, I'd have to deliver in the OR in case something happened. I'm sure they'd want me to have an epidural in case they needed to do an emergency c-section. So if I'm there and prepared already, I might as well go for it, right? Besides the girls have been transverse the whole pregnancy anyway, I'm guessing they aren't going to change anytime soon.

So that is my plan...or lack thereof. Only God knows when these girls are going to arrive. Only God knows where they will be delivered. I am just along for the ride and waiting to bring home my widdle gwirls!!


Anonymous said...

lol- I hear ya girl!

I won't be making any plans for this delivery. I planned my last one down to every single detail- what to do in each and every potential situation- oh yeah, except for the one where I delivered my baby at 23 weeks...

I'm sooooo happy for you that you've made it as far as you have, and taken everything in stride- you are a stronger woman than I. I'd give a whole lot for even a fraction of your tranquility in all the chaos that is being pregnant - and with twins no less!!!

Kristin Beck said...

I have PCOS and stumbled upon your blog a year ago. I'm now in the final testing stages with IVF doctors. I just returned to your blog for an update and was pleasantly surprised to learn of twins. I'm so happy for you, and found your story so encouraging. Thank you for sharing your story.