Sunday, November 2, 2008

Good bye Fatty McFatterson!

Okay, so maybe that isn't the nicest thing to say about myself, but hey, I'm ready to shed some pounds!

Tomorrow I'm starting my "new lifestyle"...again **ahem**

I have about 100lbs I'd like to lose. That number is definitely intimidating...but I figure if I celebrate every 10lbs gone, then I could lose that much before I know it.

Last spring (2007) I weighed as much as I do now (which I'm not ready to share), and I started walking 3-4 miles every morning with my mom-in-law (hi C!!). I shed about 20lbs. I was eating pretty good too. Part of my ambition came from SUPER high cholesterol. I believe it was around 313 in June '07 and after my weight loss it dropped to 237ish in October '07. I think it is supposed to be around 150.

Anyway, the holidays came last year and I started packing on the pounds again. Now I am right back at what I was before I started. Ugh.

Although, I know I can lose pretty easy when I get going, it is really hard sticking with it. I learned a trick from a coworker/friend of mine. She lost a lot of weight in college and one of her secrets was chewing gum whenever she felt like munching. I have to admit that helped me a lot. I figured my mouth just wanted something to munch on. Instead of eating more calories I chewed gum.

I go to Costco and buy it by the box so I always have plenty of gum on hand. I keep one in my desk at work and one in my purse.

I really have no excuse to exercise. I have three dogs who love walks, and I pretty much have a gym in my garage. My husband has been faithfully using it for the last two months since we set it up. We have a weight bench, gazelle, treadmill, jump rope, free weights, punching bag...I mean what else could I ask for. Maybe better metabolism - lol

Anywho, my plan for breakfast will stay the same (yogurt and a piece of fruit). Lunch will take some effort since I usually buy fast food. Dinner will need a little work. When I cook for myself it is usually decent food, but most of the time I don't feel like putting out the effort to cook a meal just for myself (hubby works nights), so I end up eating a bowl of cereal or graze on a bunch of crap trying to figure out what to make for dinner and then eventually give up because I am full from snacking.

Another goal is to have smaller portion sizes. Our dinner plates are REALLY big. I think if I start eating off our salad plates, that will help a lot.

I figure if I lose two pounds a week, by the first of the year I could be down 16lbs. Sounds good to me! Since I'm starting on Monday, I'm going to weigh in every Monday.

Anywho, thanks for listening to me ramble. I really wrote this so I have a little accountability. Wish me luck...or actually wish me willpower! :0)

1 comment:

Jess said...

You can totally do it! Keep easy-to-eat fruit in your house (store cut watermelon, strawberries, and I love these bagged apple slices), and it's just an easy way to "graze" without eating crap. And when I need that "sweet" stuff, I keep Dove dark chocolate Promises in the house...I'll eat one, and it'll help.