Monday, November 3, 2008

One day down, the rest of my life to go

Well, I made it!

I wouldn't call it a complete success, but hey, I'm not perfect. I ate pretty good. My only exception was at dinner. I had some steak I bought over the weekend for hubby and I, but we didn't end up eating it, so I had a steak and some shrimp for dinner. Now that it is gone, I'm chicken and fish from here on out (well, with occasional beef of course!).

I attempted to work out tonight too. I was just stepping on the treadmill when my phone rang. It was the hubby. He said he was stopping home for a minute, so it was "time". He was going to be about 20 mins, so I decided to get on the treadmill until he got home. He got home and we "cuddled" and he was back off to work. I didn't feel right about getting back on the treadmill, so I decided 15 mins was good enough for the first day.

I just got home from grocery shopping. I bought a bunch of 100 calorie packs. I have to be realistic. I am going to want cookies and chips, etc., but I just don't need to sit down with the whole bag. Instead I can sit down with a 100 cal. bag.

I also made little jell-o cups. I have a bunch of frozen strawberries left from a local farm. I also have a bunch of little plastic 1/2 cup containers. I put some strawberries in the container and added the sugar free jell-o on top. The strawberries floated, so they will be suspended as the jell-o firms up. I thought I was pretty smart - lol!

I also went to my regular doc appt today. I just basically wanted to meet the guy and do a general check up. We talked a little bit and decided we should do a lipid and glucose check. Since I have to fast for those tests, I'm going to stop by the lab sometime this week on my way into work. I am actually excited to have those tests done (I know my cholesterol is horrendous) , because I will have a starting point. I can go back in a few months and get it rechecked and see my progress. My blood pressure was a little high today, which is abnormal for me, but it could be because I was a little nervous.

Anyway, I just wanted to give a update on my day. Talk to ya'll tomorrow!!


I Believe in Miracles said...

Good job!! Baby steps are what does it.

Heather Poe said...

If you want some nutrition advice and tips, just give me a ring.
Heather :)