Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Not much has changed since my last post. I'm still going between starving and nauseous. Yesterday was the first time I tossed my cookies though. I was brushing my teeth before work and I lost it. I have been really close a few times since then, but thankfully I've held back.

I can't believe how lazy I've been. All weekend I was basically on the couch. Hubby and I did run to my parents and his mom's for a bit and we did some grocery shopping on Saturday, but that was it. And I was pooped Saturday night. I think I was in bed by 9:30.

I'm still doing 1cc of the PIO injections. I go tomorrow for a blood draw to check my progesterone levels. Hopefully I'll be done with those suckers soon!

I feel like Ms. Pig.gy lately, I think about every 2 hours or so I have to eat and sometimes I'm not satisfied afterward. I have to be really careful what I am stuffing in my face especially with having to eat so often. Yesterday I splurged and had a cheeseburger thinking that would stay with me longer. Nope. I was hungry again a couple of hours later. And when I say hungry, I don't mean I have the munchies. It is a hunger that makes me want a whole meal!

Work has been torture. For one, I'm not too busy. I have little piddly things to do, but nothing that forces me to keep working non-stop. I find that I sit and stare out my window for 10 mins at a time. Or check my email or blogger 15 times a day. I just feel so crappy and tired I'd LOVE it if I could be at home laying on the couch.

I'm really looking forward to seeing my little grains of rice on the monitor next week.

1 comment:

finding_ac said...

i wish you were bored enough to indulge my questions! lol

♥ ac