Friday, October 9, 2009

Pinch me!

I can't really believe this is happening to me yet. Having the words "I'm" and "pregnant" in the same sentence just sounds so awkward! Only two other people know in addition to the original few who found out when I had my first test. I still want to hold back telling anyone else until at least my ultrasound. Then we'll go from there.

As for symptoms...heart burn has been the constant so far. When I talk to the doc I'm going to see what else I can take besides Tums. Those only work for about a 1/2 hour and they are nasty to chew and swallow. Another thing is sleepiness. I'm so tired! Granted I've slept like crap for the last two weeks and part of that is to blame on my mattress. It had been a while since it was flipped and we did that last night. I slept so much better, but now here it is 1:30 in the afternoon and I want a nap. I won't lie, I've sat here and closed my eyes for a few minutes at a time. I desperately want to lay my head down on my desk, but I don't for fear of snoring! :0)

Occasionally I've been having some uterine cramping, I'm taking as a good sign that things are going on down there. I'm really curious for my u/s to see if my left over follies are still around. I have a feeling there are a couple of lingering ones left. Sometimes if I move just the right way I feel them, and definitely when I'm laying on my stomach. I know there really isn't anything to do about them unless they get too huge and out of control.

I do go through phases of massive thirst and hunger though, but it's off and on. This morning my appetite was raging. I felt like I was eating all morning. I finally took lunch at 11 and splurged on a burger and fries. I felt like I was allowed since I've been doing so good the last few weeks. I don't have any food aversions yet, but food in general just doesn't sound good. When trying to figure out lunch or dinner I'll just pick somethign to eat because I'm hungry, not because it sounds good...which isn't all bad. Except for today and my burger.

Other than that I'm feeling fine...if I didn't know I was pregnant I probably wouldn't think much of this stuff at all.

Of course my keyboard/mouse is getting a workout from spending so much time on Google. I've kind of ran out of things to look at for right now though, so I'll have to wait until something else happens.

Hooray for Friday! I can't wait to sleep in! Have a good weekend all!


Brenda is SO Blessed said...

just wanted to congrat to you and your hubster

Kiara Somers said...

Wow! Congratulations! I can feel your excitement just by reading your post! I know that it had been a long journey for you, but you’ve finally sees and heard the end result. I’m sure many women will be inspired by your story. Hope you have a safe and happy pregnancy!