Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The eve of beta #3

Wednesdays are turning into the most stressful day of the week, and the anticipation leading up to it is almost just as bad. Thankfully though the last few weeks have gone by fairly quickly. I am very anxious for the results already and I haven't even had my blood drawn. I may have to call them tomorrow afternoon again if I just can't control myself :0)

The people who know about whats going on are asking me how I'm feeling. My answer: Blah. I know "blah" is not technically a symptom of pregnancy, but I think it falls into several categories: fatigue, moodiness, heartburn, and nausea. Food still doesn't sound good, but I've had to eat pretty much every 3 hours or so or else the heartburn gets really bad. My diet has two new items that are eaten more often than any other food (not counting gum), and those are Tums and saltines. Mmm...yummy breakfast.

The nausea isn't constant, it comes in waves. I felt good yesterday and today until about 8:30. Almost exactly at that time I had to run to my sleeve of saltines. After about 15 mins it goes away for a while. I'm a little nervous just because this is only week 5, so I'm kinda scared that it's going to get worse. Maybe I should invest in one of those buckets that can go around my neck like horses have for grain. Then I could walk around the office and just use that if I get sick. Okay, ya, that's gross...but like I said before, I'll do anything.

My keester is still sore from all the injections. Hopefully we only have a week of those left. I'm hoping I can stop the progesterone all together or at least go the the suppositories. I know those aren't a joy either, but at least they don't hurt.

My ta-tas are still sore. They seem to be the worst at night when I release them from the confines of my bra and it's a little tough to get comfortable to go to bed with the weight of them and the blankets touching them.

I don't care about any of this though. I'm not going to complain one bit. The more symptoms I have the better. I'm just taking it one week at a time and trying to enjoy it as much as I can. Besides, it's kind of nice to have an excuse to be lazy and sit on the couch all night reading magazines because I don't have the energy to do anything else :0)

And...I have to share that ever night since we found out the test was positive when Hubby "tucks me in" he always says "Goodnight Guys!" It's really cute :0) Soon we'll find out just how many little guys he's actually talking to!


Life Happens said...

Good luck with the beta. Sounds like you have a great hubbie.

Rach said...

Aww, thats so sweet!

finding_ac said...

"goodnight guys" that is pretty sweet. I was wondering though, with doctor m, did you have to convince him to stay on the progesterone after you found out your pregs, or? cause i want to be on it for safe keeping, but i am nervous i will have to convince him. dum huh?

♥ ac

Just Believing said...

I am just so excited for you! cant wait for the good news tomorrow!!!