Monday, June 22, 2009

Today sucks.

I called Dr. M's office today to schedule my cd3 u/s so I could get my Femara prescription.

Me: "I need to schedule my day 3 u/s, since my last Femara and IUI failed"

Stupid Nurse: "Sorry, but Dr. M. is on vacation."

Me: "Doesn't he have anyone filling in for him while he's out?"

Stupid Nurse" "Only for his OB patients. I'm really sorry, but he's out until the 3oth. You are going to have to skip this cycle."

What the heck!?!?!?!?!?! I am so so so angry. This office sucks. Like majorly sucks! Who the hell runs a fertility clinic and does not have anyone cover while you are gone for OVER A WEEK!!! I would call and have the u/s done elsewhere, but nobody will write me a prescription without me being a patient.

Was the doctor that frickin confident that I would magically get pregnant this cycle he didn't think ahead and write me a script in case I needed it. Sorry doc, you aren't that magical.

"Skipping this cycle" does not just mean a month. It means calling on day 35 when I haven't gotten my period and getting a 10-day prescription for Provera. A few days after the pills I'll start my period and we'll go again...but that's like SIX weeks, not four.

AAAAHHHH! I am so angry right now. I'm at work and I want to leave so bad to go home and throw a pity party for myself. Why can't ANYTHING be easy.

I was a few minutes late coming back from my lunch break because I was scouring the closet at home for M.idol. Not only has AF completely landed today, but she is stomping around and throwing her luggage all over my uterus.

I hate her.


Just Believing said...

OMG I can't believe that office! Who A) Doesn't have a back up and B) doesn't have nay plan #2 for his patients!

Its diff if you want to skip a cycle but being forced to is not cool!

I am so sorry :(

Anonymous said...

What a jerk-off. I would be pissed too.

finding_ac said...

i totally understand fertility doc told my hubbs yesterday (or rather the nurse said) that he would be on vacation for two weeks...i better be pregs or i will be in the same boat you are in mad that i have to wait....waiting is the worst.

Jess said...

Want me to come beat him up? That's so frustrating, and I totally don't blame you for throwing a pity party! Get yourself some Ben and Jerry's and sulk - 'cause it's your party and you'll cry if you want to.


Anonymous said...

wow- and I thought my RE was an asshole! Yours puts him to shame.

I'm so sorry you had to put up with that crap! Is there any way to get a diff. doc?