Thursday, June 4, 2009

CD 16 u/s appointment

I failed again this morning. It was the 5th negative O test, so I called Dr. M's office about 9:15 this morning. They got me in at 10:30! Turns out I have two follicles on my right side!! One of them is definitely in the lead, but the second one could catch up. I'm going in on Saturday morning at 9:30 to have another u/s to see if they/it is ready to go. If so, I'll get my Hcg trigger shot and we'll do the IUI. Yay!!

Can I just say too, that I LOVE Femara!!! It is not as abusive as Clomid! I think I'm still getting a little bit of the moodiness (and I think my husband would agree with that!), but I haven't been crampy, I don't have hot flashes, my ovaries don't feel like they are going to explode. Yesterday I notice a little bit of a bloated feeling and it seems my bladder has shrunk, but that is about all I noticed.

Well, cross your fingers for Saturday. Hopefully BOTH of them will be ready to go!!

P.S. I made Dr M. laugh TWICE today. That is quite the accomplishment. He is pretty serious and dry most of the time. I was laying on the table and the nurse (the stupid/annoying one) asks what the odds of twins are. He says with Clomid/Femara it's about 5%. With injectables about 30%. I said "well, bring on the shots if that's what it takes. I don't want to have to do this again!" He chuckled a little. Yay! Then, I followed up and said "At this rate I'll be 60 by the time I have #2!" - again, a little laugh. I was so proud of myself that I pulled a little sense of humor out of him - lol!

1 comment:

Just Believing said...

fingers will be crossed and prayers said for saturday and yeah for 2 follies!!!!