Wednesday, September 16, 2009

My head is spinning!!

First let me say thank you to all who commented! I really appreciate your comments and feedback!! this morning I had ANOTHER u/s (and blood draw). Again, the doc spent time measuring every follie on both ovaries. I probably had about 10-15 measurable follies on each. After the u/s we reviewed what was going on and what had/hadn't changed since yesterday. After using some formula to calculate it, he figured I will ovulate between 4-5 eggs. That being the case, he said the number is low enough for me to do IUI (our orignal plan), if I want. Or can can choose to go with IVF. The additional cost of IVF would be $3k. The odds of IVF will be better (about 51%). Or I can go with IUI. It is significantly cheaper, it was our original plan, and since there are multiple eggs being released the odds of pregnancy are higher than when I ovulate one. Normally it is around 20% for one follie (I think).

He said his formula he used is not exact, so I could release more or less. But, after factoring in the cost - and the fact that we are not financially prepared to drop an additional $3k on this cycle, I opted for the IUI. Besides, I now have a higher chance of multiples...which is a risk, but would be such a blessing to never EVER have to do this crap again.

I really wanted to consult with Hubby before making the decision, but since he wasn't there, I made the choice. Turns out it was the best, because Hubby was happy with it too.

So to increase our odds, I will have two IUI's. One tomorrow and one Friday. I got my HCG trigger this morning and Dr. M says it takes about 40 hours after the shot to ovulate. That will put some swimmer up there before and after I O, which sounds good to me.

At this point I'm not optimistic, but not pessemistic either. I'm kind of numb. All the drama that has gone on this week with all my appointments, blood draws, my road trip to P-town (which, btw, we only used 1 - that's right ONE dose of those meds) has just left my mind spinning.

Regarding the unused drugs, I do have options. If this cycle works, I can sell my drugs back to Dr. M for half price. I feel pretty good about this, because I've had the opportunity to buy some one else's leftovers before. Plus, I think if I do get pregnant, I will have no problem losing the $500. On the other hand though, if this cycle fails, I'll have all these drugs to use for another cycle. I haven't talked to Hubs yet, but my thinking is if this cycle fails, we need to take a break, save up and just go for the IVF and quit wasting our time with IUI's.

Anywho, that's where I am with this cycle. Thanks again for all your comments and thanks for following along. It has been quite a crazy week.

P.S. all of this has worked out so I'll be able to be out of town next week for work! Yay for lots and lots of overtime!!! (and no, that did not factor into my decision to do IUI's instead of IVF :0))


Kelly said...

Woo good choice! I wouldn't do IVF on anything under 10 follies.. Just because there are follies, doesnt mean there are eggs, and usually only 80% of the eggs retrieved are mature...Then who knows how many of those will fertilise and keep dividing.

It's like gambling, the odds are in your favor, but it doesnt guarantee a win.

When I had my IVF in August it cost $3,400 in meds to get 13 eggs, 11 of them were mature...We ended up paying an additional $1200 for ICSI, to have the sperm injected, and we lucked out, all 11 fertilised, and 10 made it to day 3..If we would have let them grow to day 5, we would have lost a few more Im sure.

We transferred 2 perfect embabies, and none stuck around. We have 8 frozen, and they say it usually takes 4 to defrost and grow to make 2 embabies.

Anyways, I think your choice was the best for you...if they only retrieved 5 eggs, and 4 were mature...what if only 3 fertilised, and theres no telling how many would make it to transfer, you really want to hope for frozen embryos. =]

melissa said... what do I know (nothing) but you sound confident and peaceful with your decisions, so that's really good!

I hope you have 3 or 4 babies. Ha ha.

Jess said...

You're in my thoughts, and I hope all goes well.

finding_ac said...

wow! i thought ivf had a sucess rate of 60%..thats weird. But OMG OMG OMG...i cant believe how much progress you are making in this cycle...with that many follies, plus TWO IUI' could totally HAVE A BABY....OR TWO...OR MORE!!! seems so weird to think that it is just right around the corner!

wow wow wow

so cool for you!

♥ ac

finding_ac said...

i tried to call you tonight, cause i want to buy your leftovers if i can...please call me asap so we can work something out.

♥ ac